Our March meeting is coming up on March 9, 2020 at 1900 hours at 1816 South Glenstone Avenue. Our E-Board…
Our February meeting was held at the PBC (which is getting ready to open). We had 10 Members present and…
American Legion Post 125 will meet Monday February 13 at 7:00 pm. The Executive Board meets at 6:30 pm. All…
Post 125 had its January Meeting on 1/13/2020 at its new location at 1816 South Glenstone, Springfield. Items covered included…
KY3 Report
American Legion Post 125 meets the second Monday of each Month at 7:00 pm. The Executive Board meets at 6:30…
American Legion Post 125 meets the second Monday of each Month at 7:00 pm. The Executive Board meets at 6:30…