Fellow Legionnaires and Friends,
Our March Meeting is scheduled for tonight, 13 March 2023 at 7:00 pm at our Post. We will open the post at 5:30 pm for enjoyment of our facility including a special for beer, hot dog, and chips for a total of only $5.00. Other snacks and beverages are also available. We are also running a special “Queen of Hearts” contest (special rules) and video raffle for that night only. We are considering having additional post functions in conjunction with our meeting nights and would like everyone’s feedback on what we should consider doing. We are about where we should be as far as our membership, but we still are short of our goal of 100%. As always our meetings are open to members and interested veterans that would like to attend or consider membership in our post. If you have not paid your dues for 2023 and can’t come to the meeting, please send them to Adjutant: Ron Paluska, 906 South Broadway Ave, Springfield, Missouri 65806. Our dues are $40.00 per year, make checks payable to American Legion Post 125. See you tonight!!!
Bill Roark, Commander
American Legion Post 125