As all of you now know it is extremely cold (-3 in SW Springfield) and it has become necessary to cancel our February meeting that was rescheduled due to cold, icy weather last Monday. We thought it was bad last week, but this is the coldest, snowiest 4 or 5 days in my time in Springfield (over 22 years). I’ve gone through almost a cord of firewood to try to minimize my furnace’s job, but it seems to be a losing battle. We made a decision to cancel February’s meeting and not reschedule since we will be having our March meeting in 2 weeks. Our next meeting will be March 8, 2021 at 7:00 pm. All members that are able should attend this meeting since there are a number of agenda items to discuss. On a side note John Foss had open heart surgery last Thursday and is recovering now. He will be in the hospital for the next week, and then maybe a rehab facility for additional recovery. The only thing we can do is to “say a Prayer” for him. Fly your flag and be proud,
Bill Roark, Commander